Sarbat Khalsa Panchayat

500 representatives will be selected for the Sarbat Khalsa Panchayat by March 14, 2025, from the nominations by Sikh Organizations and individuals who have made significant contributions to the Sikh society from around the world. Out of these 500 representatives, 25 will volunteer as members of the Gursikh Core Committee. The Gursikh Core Committee will select Panj Piyaare of the Panj Pardhani Council from among the other Panchayat members. (See Article 3 of the By-Laws for more information.)

The following brothers and sister will serve as 'Acting' Panj Pardhani Council until the process for the formation of the Sarbat Khalsa Jathebandi is completed:

  1. S. Nirmal Singh (Victoria BC)
  2. Dr. Kulwant Kaur (Patiala)
  3. Prof. Gurcharan Singh (Florida)
  4. S. Gurpreet Singh GP (Bahrain)
  5. S. Jagdhar Singh (Bengal).

(According to the Impartiality Clause 4.1 of the By-Laws, the above five cannot be nominated for the Sarbat Khalsa Panchayat)

© 2025 Sarbat Khalsa