Charanpreet Singh

ID: SKUSR-20240049

Outside IndiaUnited States of America

ਵਾਹਿਗੁਰੂ ਜੀ ਕਾ ਖ਼ਾਲਸਾ ਵਾਹਿਗੁਰੂ ਜੀ ਕੀ ਫ਼ਤਿਹ | Vahiguru ji ka Khalsa, Vahiguru ji ki Fatih! I serve as a primary drafter and thought developer on the Free Akal Takht team The Free Akal Takht team was formed January 2016 to support the following two resolutions that were declared at the November 2015 Sarbat Khalsa: Resolution #2 – Reaffirms Akal Takht Sahib as a Guru-gifted sovereign Sikh institution which must become fully independent again. A draft committee is to be constituted comprising of Sikhs both from the Homeland and the Diaspora by 30 November 2015 to report on Akal Takht Sahib System which includes Sarbat Khalsa and Jathedars governance and process. Plan to be adopted by Vaisakhi 2016 when the next Sarbat Khalsa is to be held. Resolution #5 – Creates a World Sikh Parliament to represent Sikhs globally under the aegis of Akal Takht Sahib. A draft committee is to be constituted comprising of Sikhs both from the Homeland and the Diaspora by 30 November 2015 to report on its structure and governance. Plan to be adopted by Vaisakhi 2016. The deadlines for the 2nd and 5th resolutions had passed with no engagement by those tasked with implementing them, on behalf of the Sikh Quam the the Free Akal Takht team began the process of convening and mobilizing engaged Sikhs around the world to collate data to assist in addressing these resolutions. The team ended up developing a model "Regional Sarbat Khalsa" process by the end of October 2016 to present at the publicly stated November 2016 Sarbat Khalsa (the opportunity did not arise). The model was tested at several large events across the Sikh Diaspora. The team published a report called "Diaspora Polling Brief" which explains the model and its testing in detail - the published report can be found here. After the 2017 year passed and talk in the wider Panth on the relevant topics had continue to significantly decrease from the end of 2016 onward the team ceased all grassroots work (our February 2018 statement on this). From 2018 to present the Free Akal Team has intermittently posted "Updates and Responses" (organized as links in the header of this webpage) on relevant current events and have been having consultations with occasional groups and individuals interested in the type of work we have done.

Gender: Singh

Expertise: Sikh Thinkers

Organization: SKORG-20240037Free Akal Takht

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